For over two decades, Phillip B Gottfredson, a pioneering author and historian, dedicated his life and personal resources to researching a legendary Timpanogos Chief Black Hawk and the Black Hawk War in Utah. Phillip has never regretted living with Indigenous tribes that brought to light invaluable insights that challenge the mistaken ideas that Indigenous people were "savages and heathens," and Mormons were "saints."
The following video collection has been assembled to help further our understanding of the Doctrine of Discovery and Settler Colonialism in Utah, and are relavent to the Black Hawk War in Utah.
Join Lindsay as she sits down with Phillip B. Gottfredson to delve into one of the most significant yet often overlooked chapters in Utah’s history—the Black Hawk War of 1865. In this gripping conversation, they explore the complex and brutal conflict that erupted between Mormon settlers and Native American tribes, led by the Timpanogos war chief Antonga Black Hawk.
Why is it important to say "settler colonialism" instead of "westward expansion"?
Christian Doctrine of Discovery: Steve Newcomb, Part One
Christian Doctrine of Discovery: Steve Newcomb, Part Two
Steven Newcomb Delivers Keynote on Original Nations and Peoples at 2015 Parliament
Published on Feb 2, 2016 Steven Newcomb, Author of Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery" addresses the Spotlight of Indigenous Peoples plenary at the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 19th.
"REVIVE THE INDIAN TO KILL THE MAN" Discussing the history and reality of how government sanctioned and forced boarding schools practices continue to devastate the lives of surviving students and their descendants, and the relatives of those who survived. With Special Guests Diana Cournoyer (Pine Ridge Lakota & President National Indian Education Association) ___ Professor Gerald Cournoyer (Pine Ridge Lakota) ___ Mary Meyers (Timpanogos Tribe of Utah)____ Darwin Strong (Rosebud Sioux Tribe of South Dakota) Watch Video on You Tube
Bear River Massacre Memorial 155th Anniversary January 29, 2018
Researched and produced by Phillip B Gottfredson
2005 Mr. Gottfredson was commissioned by the Utah State Division of Indian Affairs to make a documentary
film of the Black hawk War. The project was Funded in part by Utah
State Division of Indian Affairs, the George S. Deloris Dori Eccles
Foundation and Private Donors.
"I discontinued production of the film when I discovered through my on-going research of the Black Hawk War that there are major contradictions, and inaccuracies in the histories of Utah. For example, historians mistakenly identified the Timpanogos Nation as being Ute Indians. This revelation alone completely changed the accuracy of the film project, and had I continued I would have added to the confusion that already exists in Utah's history, something I was not willing to be a participant in. "I confess, I was a victim of Mormon propaganda and convoluted history" Phillip B Gottfredson. See The Timpanogos Nation Is Snake-Shoshone
The Chief Executive of the Timpanogos Nation speaks about Utah Lake (Mary Murdock Meyer)