Timeline of the Utah Black Hawk War 1830 to 1872

Hour GlassWelcome to Phillip B Gottfredson's detailed timeline of the Mormon Black Hawk War of Utah. The timeline begins with Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act in 1830, Mormons' arrival in Utah in 1847, to the American Indian Religious Freedom Act in 1978. Gottfredson is a volunteer historian for the Timpanogos Nation, and author of the book Black Hawk's Mission of Peace. 

Reading left to right, events listed in this timeline are in chronological order according to year, month, day, followed by the number of deaths of the Timpanogos Nation, Mormon colonists and the event with description. Just click on highlighted links to read the story of the events listed. The number of Timpanogos deaths does not include those who died from starvation and disease.

Note: The timeline is frequently updated, so you may want to refresh this page. Also, in the Description column, the words "not available at this time" only means the story's link is unavailable. We suggest using our search tool above to locate specific events. 

Year Month Indian Deaths White Deaths
Battles and Events

Indian Removal Act was signed into law by Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830. Its purpose to remove all Native peoples east of the Mississippi to the western regions of the Mississippi. Virtually the entire Native population in the southeastern section of the United States were forced to relocate to the west known as "The Trail of Tears."

The significance of the Indian Removal Act as it pertains to the Mormon's Black Hawk War in Utah, is that it gave birth to Settler Colonialism.




1847 July 24     Mormons enter Salt Lake Valley

Trouble for the Timpanogos Nation in Utah began July 24, 1847. Brigham seeing the valley said, “Its enough, this is the right place, drive on.”


Timpanogos camped at nearby Hot Springs when Mormons arrive (north of Salt Lake)


Kanosh, Tabby, Washakie, Little Wolf, Wanship, Little Chief, Kone, Blue Shirt, Old Elk (Moonch), Opecarry, Old Battiest, Tintic, Portservic, Sowiette, Angatewats, Petnick, Walkara, Graspero, Niequia, Antero,

1848       Little Wolf in battle with Wanship

not available at this time

        Timpanogos Chief Wakara confronts Brigham Young

Timpanogos leader Wakara had warned Brigham Young upon their arrival, that he and his people were not welcome to settle on the land of his ancestors.

        Hidalgo Treaty of 1848

Hidalgo Treaty of 1848 was signed wherein the United States agreed to recognize Indian land holdings, and to allow Indian people to continue their customs and languages.


Jan 18th    

George Albert Smith orders removal of Indians

(Fort Utah)

LDS Church Leader Brigham Young signs the order to exterminate the Timpanogos Nation. Apostle George A. Smith gave the command to remove the Indian people from their land.





Battle Creek Canyon MASSACRE

Battle Creek Canyon MASSACRE


Feb. 29


Battle Creek Canyon first massacre of Timpanogos by Mormons

(Fort Utah)

Young Black Hawk taken prisoner, family murdered. Little Chief was wet with tears and his horse wet with sweat.


Mar. 10


Provo settlement commenced


An-kar-tewets confrontation

(Fort Utah)

When they were within a few miles north of the Provo River they were stopped by An-kar-tewets, a warrior of the Timpanogos, who stood before the men telling them to go back where they came from, that they were not going to make any settlement on their land.








Mar. 12th

    Fort Utah Built

At first the occupants at the fort attempted to turn it into a trading post. Trading buffalo hides to the Timpanogos was seen as a sacrilege.


Aug. 1st



Old Bishop murdered near fort Utah

The three men, Rufus Stoddard, Richard Ivie, and Gerome Zabrisky began to heckle the man, and accused him of stealing the shirt he was wearing from off a cloths line. "The men ripped his bowls open and filled them with stones preparatory to sinking the body in the river."


Feb. 5th


Old Elk thrown out of fort sick with measles

(Fort Utah)

Old Elk came to the fort asking for medicine for his people who were sick from the disease.


Feb. 7th


Col. Grant and troops sent to Fort Utah

(Fort Utah)

Timpanogos Old Elk, Walkara , Kone, Black Hawk, Kanosh, Battiest, Tintic, Portsovic, Angatewats, Old Sowiette, Old Petnich, Tabby, Old Uinta, Niquia, Antero, Kanosh, Opecarry,



Feb. 7th


Black Hawk shows up at Fort Utah as prisoner of Col. Grant

(Fort Utah)

Brigham Young refers to Antonga as "Black Hawk"


Feb. 9th


  Fort Utah Massacre

Now that Fort Utah had been established on land that was most essential to the Timpanogos


Two Timpanogos survivors Pernetta (Chief Aropeen's daughter), and Pick

(Fort Utah)

Bishop Joseph Stacey Murdock takes Timpanogos children Pernetta and Pic.

        Dr. Blake at Fort Utah

Ordered troops Abner Blackburn and James Or to go out and behead each of the frozen corpses lying about in the snow.



    Fort Utah dismantled and moved to Provo  


    Cattle and horses raided at Fort Utah  



Chief Wakara (Walker) vows revenge


Cattle and horses Raided Richville


(Richfield, Utah)





Porter Rockwell murders 5 Indian prisoners


(Excerpts are from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)



  Captain Wm. McBride kills 9 Indians Skull Valley  



  Death of Squash Head at Springville  


Indian raid on mill Richville Custer killed.


(Richfield, Utah)




Goshen Valley Battle



15 est


Mormon Militia raids Indians at Black Rock

not available at this time



The mystery year where nothing is recorded about the Black Hawk War.

Utah Legislators sanction slavery.

Feb. 4


The Act in Relation to Service, made slavery legal in Utah.

Also see: Mormons used slavery as a tool of redemption


"The requirement for ownership was... with Indian slaves only having to be in possession of white person. Utah is unique in that it had an active enslavement of both Africans and Indians." (Wikipedia)





Cattle Raid Payson

not available at this time


July 6

    Walker Statement:

At the request of Maj. [Jacob] Holeman Ind. Agent for UT. Ter. I (M.S. Martenas) held a conversation with Indian Chief Walker respecting his feelings and wishes relative to the whites settling [sic] on this lands, and on the lands of the Indians generally.








July 17


Ivie kills Indians; begins Walker War


James Ivie

        Wakara Declares War

The Walker War


July 19



Indians kill Alexander Keele at Payson



July 23



Provo seven Indians killed

not available at this time


Allreds settle Spring City

not available at this time


Aug. 10



Attack on Willow Creek (Mona)

(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)

Isaac Duffin





Parley's Park

(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)

John Dixon, John Quayle, John Hoagland John Knight




William Hatton


Sept. 29



Salt Creek Canyon 20 Indians killed

not available at this time



Goshen Battle C. B. Hancock wounded

not available at this time


Sept. 30



Uintah Springs 8 Indians and 4 Mormons killed


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Oct. 2



Nephi 8 Indians killed


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)




Moshoquop and son killed


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Oct. 4



William Mills and John Warner killed Manti


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Oct. 14



Fernee Tindrell killed at Santiquin


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Oct. 25



Gunnison Massacre

(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)

Pants, Mareer, Jim, Carboorits, Nunkiboolits, Tomwants, Koonants, Skipoke, Doctor Jacob, Wahbits, and Jimmy Knights.

Whites: Captain Gunnison, R. A. Kern, F. Creutzfeldts, Wm. Potter, and seven men.



Uintah Springs near Moroni


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Nov. 6


Sanpete County Chases Sawmill burned


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Jan 6


Spring City Allred settlement burned


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)




Treaty with Walker and Kanosh


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Aug. 8



William and Warren Weeks killed


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Jan 29



Wakara died poisoned by Mormons


Buried in hills above Meadow

        Walkara's brother Arapeen becomes Chief  

July 19


Salmon River Mission

not available at this time

        Benjamin Johnson at Spring Lake

Benjamin Johnson makes friends with a Timpanogos leader Guffick, son of Santaquin, Spring Lake, Utah


Salmon River Mission abandoned

not available at this time








Feb. 21



Tintic War

(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)

1856 In the year 1856, the Indians, a part of the Timpanogos, again became hostile, and a sufficient number of them went on the war path to make it expensive and annoying to the settlers. Tintic's brother Battest (Battieste) was shot in the head while trying to save Tintic.


June 4



Salt Creek Canyon Massacre

Jens Jorgensen and wife, Jens Ter- klesen and Christian E. Kjerluf were massacred by Indians in Salt Creek Canyon while traveling unarmed on their way to Sanpete Valley.


Sept - 11



Mountain Meadows Massacre

Paiute wrongly blamed for 125 whites murdered by members of LDS Church.


Sept 20


Peter Gottfredson arrives from Denmark


Peter Gottfredson Autobiography




Chicken Creek

(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)

On October 15th, 1858,--The remains of and Samuel Brown, of Fillmore, Millard County, were found is a state of decomposition near Chicken Creek bridge, Juab County. They had been murdered by Indians on October 7th.

        Johstons Army Arrives Brigham Young orders Lot Smith to burn armies wagons.

 A faithful follower by the name of Lot Smith carried out the order, causing 2500 men to suffer extreme hardship during the bitter cold of winter.


Disease is spreading rampant among Indian population




Camp Floyd Peaceable Indian murdered


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)

        Chief Arapeen Dies and his brother Tabby becomes Chief of the Timpanogos Nation.

Tabby makes Arapeen's son Jake (Yene-wood) war Chief.

      1 Deep Creek Tooele Mail Station attendant killed, horse stolen

May 28th, 1860 The Indians attacked the mail station at Deep Creek, Tooele County, shot a man and stole several horses.



Lincoln set aside land for the Uinta Valley Reservation for the Timpanogos (Contiguous Mountain peaks)


(The Utah Timpanogos-Ute Contradiction)


Jan 29



Bear River Massacre of Snake-Shoshone

Also See video

In 1863, 350 Shoshone men women and children were brutally massacred at Bear River.


Peter Gottfredson living in Sanpete and Severe Valley in Indian camps


April 12

4   Little Soldier bravely attacks Gen. Connors outfit

April 12th. Timpanogos warrior Little Soldier bravely attacks General Connors outfit and was killed by Porter Rockwell. "I will ever remember the appearance of Little Soldier and his Indians."


May 5



Boxelder Sagawitch Band

not available at this time


June 10



Cedar Valley Stage attacked

not available at this time


July 30



Shell Creek Station

not available at this time


Peter Gottfredson in Thistle Valley


(Peter Gottfredson Bio)



Timpanogos being forced on reservation



      Uintah Valley Reservation was created  

March 28


Brigham Young Promises Sanpitch father of Black Hawk

Brigham Young made the following promise to Chief Sanpitch of the Timpanogos at Spanish Fork. He said, "Sanpitch, Sowiette, Tabby and all of you, I want you to understand what I say to you. I am looking out for your welfare...








April 9

    Manti John Lowry triggers Black Hawk War

"It was a matter of supremacy between the whiteman and the Indian."


April 10



Barney Ward and Peter Ludvigson killed.


(Peter Gottfredson Bio)


Mormon Population about 50,000

        Leadership is passed from Arapean's son Jake to Black Hawk who then becomes War Chief

John Lowry is accused of starting the Black Hawk War



Twelve Mile Creek

not available at this time


April 12



Salina Canyon

not available at this time


June 8


Signing of the Spanish Fork Treaty

The Spanish Fork Treaty was negotiated with the Timpanogos Nation. However, the treaty would fail ratification as it bore the signature of Brigham Young, thus leaving intact the Uinta Valley Reservation, land belonging to the Timpanogos.


July 18

    Grass Valley Massacre

The soldiers then surrounded the camp and opened fire on them killing women, men, and children. Two managed to escape, and one little boy was found laying next to his dead mother was taken custody.


July 26



Attack at Glenwood

not available at this time


Oct. 17

  7 Ephraim seven settlers killed not available at this time

Nov. 25



Raid on Circleville

See: Circleville Massacre


Jan 20



Pipe Springs

not available at this time


March 12


  Sanpitch taken captive at Nephi

Sanpitch, father of Black Hawk.


April 2



Short Creek

not available at this time


April 13



Salina Canyon seven Timpanogos killed

not available at this time


April 14



Indians break jail in Manti three are killed

not available at this time


April 16


Kimball's & Conover's in Manti

not available at this time



Christian Larsen Killed Spanish Fork

not available at this time




Salina vacated 3 Timpanogos killed

not available at this time




Fort Sanford Santick and Shegump killed

not available at this time



Spanish Fork

not available at this time





not available at this time


April 21


Circleville Massacre

Author: Phillip B Gottfredson researched Circleville Massacre for nearly 6 years.

And so it was that one by one they were led out of the cellar, 24 in all. There were women, men, and children, and they were first struck from behind on the head to stun them, then their throats were cut.







  Marysvale Little Indian girl murdered  

April 22



Salina Vacated

not available at this time


Fort Sanford Seagump and one other killed

not available at this time


April 26



Little Diamond Battle

Chief Mountain wounded.


April 28


Circleville abandoned


(Circleville Massacre)


May 26


First Indian Raid on cattle Heber


June 6 ?

    James Ivie kills Timpanogos Chief Panacara (Arapeen)

NOTE: Chief Arrapeen died of smallpox in 1865. Which contridicts this account. It may have been James Ivie killed Arapeen's son Jake.


June 10



Scipio Black Hawk takes 350 head of cattle James R, Ivie and Henry Wright killed

Round Valley Scipio, Utah


June 10


Battle at Gravely Ford Black Hawk & White Horse Wounded


June 18


  Chief Sanpitch Murdered

Black Hawk's father


June 24



Thistle Valley

not available at this time


June 26



General Erastus Snow sends 60 men to Gunnison Captain Andrus killed

not available at this time


July 16



Second Raid on cattle Heber

not available at this time



    Old Peace Treaty Tree

1866 July-August Bishop Canute Peterson of Ephraim, Utah paid a visit to the ailing Timpanogos leader Black Hawk who had been wounded in battle at Gravely Ford near Richfield, Utah.




Third raid on cattle Heber

not available at this time


Aug. 20


Fourth raid on cattle Heber

not available at this time


Oct. 8


Fifth raid on cattle Heber

not available at this time

  Sept. 18



Red Lake battle 6 Timpanogos killed General Snow wounded

not available at this time


Oct. 27



Attack on Lee's Ranch

not available at this time

        Nearly 70 Mormon villages evacuated not available at this time


Jan 14

    Black Hawk meets with Tabby



Jan 18



St. George Col. Pierce and Andrews

not available at this time


Mar 21



Glenwood-Black Ridge

not available at this time


April 15


Gen. R.T. Burton ordered to Sanpete

not available at this time


April 20


Glenwood, Richfield & Monroe vacated

not available at this time


April 22


Binder's infantry leaves SLC for Sanpete

not available at this time


June 1



Fountain Green Louis Lund killed

not available at this time


June 2



Twelve Mile Canyon Major Vance & Sgt. Holtz Killed 

not available at this time


Aug. 10


Black Hawk sends word to Franklin He wants peace


Aug. 12

    *Black Hawk tells Agent Head stop fighting  

Aug. 20


Heber Treaty Tabby and Joseph Murdock meet

(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)

        Black Hawk begins his Mission of Peace begins  


Sanpete Capt. Wm. Binder's Cavalry

Adam Paul wounded



Spring City

J. Meeks and A. Johnson killed


Spring City Raid

not available at this time




Pine Valley Eleven Indians Killed

(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Sept. 5



Warm Creek

John Hay Killed


Mar 21  


Fort Mohave

Edwin Wooley killed


April 1



Raid on Kane County

not available at this time





Battle at Rocky Ford

Justusen and Wilson killed, White Horse killed, the one Black Hawk had rescued at Gravely Ford




Buckhorn Springs near Beaver

Wm. James Allred


Salt Creek Canyon

Tabiona, James Ivie,


July 11



Battle at Rock Lake

not available at this time


Aug. 19


Strawberry Treaty August 19th

Black Hawk credited for it's success and Head 


Nov. 10


Wm. Allred Kills Two Indians


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


Indian Gratitude


(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)


March 22


Brigham Young submits bill to Congress for reembursement of 1.5 million dollars spent in church funds to "get rid" of the Indians of Utah.

This document MEMORIAL OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF UTAH is housed at the Mt. Pleasant Relic Home on main street.


May 10

    Transcontinental Railroad completed  



Jake Arapeen murdered

Circa 1869 Exact date not known, covered up.


      Black Hawk's Mission of Peace

Travels 200 miles horseback from Cedar City to Spring Lake


Sept. 26

    Black Hawk dies at Spring Lake  



In August, 1871 the town Pioche burned. It was caused by a lantern falling on a porch of a boarding house kept by two women.


      Timpanogos removed from the Wasatch to the Uintah Reservation

U.S. federal troops stepped in and fiftheen-hundred Timpanogos Indians were driven from their homes in the shining mountains and valleys of Utah at gunpoint, and left to fend for themselves in one of the most desolate regions of Utah.





"the white horse Chief" Shena- Vegan. Present were Hans Gottfredson, Peter Oldroyd, Archibald Oldroyd,


June 6



Twelve Mile Creek Niels Heizelt killed

Aug. 12



Tabby can't control his warriors

(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)

boy Stewart killed Spanish Fork


Aug. 13




Nathan Stewart killed


Aug. 17



Mt. Pleasant telegraph office

Jeremiah Page killed by Richard Smith dressed as an Indian


Sept. 17


Peace agreement at Mt. Pleasant

not available at this time




Nathan Stewart Killed


Treaty at Springville

Tabby signed


Sept. 26



Spring City Daniel Miller Killed

(Excerpts from Peter Gottfredson's book Indian Depredations in Utah)

Daniel Miller killed, Peter Gottfredson present

        Mormon population about 180,000  





Timpanogos Population 2300






Post War Events

Post War Events



Colorado Utes killed an unprincipled Indian agent Nathan Meeker

(The Utah Timpanogos-Ute Contradiction)

Colorado Utes sent to Uintah Valley Reservation as 'prisoners of war.'



Congress to impose upon the Ute Indian peoples the Relocation Act

(The Utah Timpanogos-Ute Contradiction)

Meeker Massacre "The Utes Must Go" forcing Colorado Utes into cohabitation with the Timpanogos on the Uintah Valley Reservation



President Chester Arthur by Executive Mansion set aside temporarily land for the Colorado Utes to graze their cattle, known today as Ouray.


(The Utah Timpanogos-Ute Contradiction)


      Dawes Allotment act

Also known as the General Allotment Act, the law allowed for the President to break up reservation land held in common by the members of a tribe, into small allotments which were then parceled out to individuals.



Chief Tabby Dies at Tabiona

He is believed to have been 113 years of age


      John Lowry States Cause of Black Hawk War

at the Reynolds Hall at Springville.



Utah becomes state




Government Census Indian population 2300

Non-Indian pop 370,000 Utah


      Members of LDS Church loots Black Hawk's Grave.  


      Reorganization Act

Pres. Roosevelt over turns Dawes Act being unconstitutional. It was designed to undo some of the devastating problems caused by the Dawes Act. It did away with the boarding house schools, ended the allotment of tribal lands. recognized tribal governments and encouraged tribes to adopt constitutions, prohibited lands from being taken away from tribes.


      The Ute Tribe was formed 1937

Adopts as it's constitutional name "The Ute Tribe of the Uintah Ouray Reservation" Note: There does not exist a reservation named the Uintah Ouray.



Ernest L. Wilkinson co-authors the Termination Act.


The Termination Act proved very destructive to Tribe nation wide and was finally blocked by Presidents Kennedy, Nixon, and Johnson. Enacted by Congress, it was intended to end all relations between the Federal Government and the Native Nations. It was yet another attempt to assimilate the American peoples into white-man's culture. It was intended to grant full rights and privileges of citizenship to the Native peoples, and tax their land.


      Black Hawk's remains reburied at Sping Lake, Utah

It took an act of Congress, the help of National Forest Service archeologist Charmain Thompson, and the humanitarian efforts of a boy scout Shane Armstrong to find and rebury the remains of Black Hawk at Spring Lake, the place of his birth.


      Self Determination Act

"Native American people were now able to operate their own schools. Native Americans now have the chance to take control of their own education bringing their own languages, beliefs and philosophies to their schools."


      The American Indian Religious Freedom Act 1978

The American Indian Religious Freedom Act (commonly abbreviated to AIRFA) is a US federal law and a joint resolution of Congress that was passed in 1978. It was created to protect and preserve the traditional religious rights and cultural practices of American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts and Native Hawaiians.



My Journey to Understand Black Hawk's Mission of Peace author Phillip B Gottfredson

Gottfredson expresses deep gratitude to the Timpanogos Nation, Hopi, Zuni, Pueblo, Apache, Shoshone, Arapaho, Lakota, Siletz, Makah, Southern Paiute, Northern Paiute, Yurok, Anishinaabe, Cherokee, Choctaw, Inca, and Mayan communities of San Pedro, Guatemala. These tribes welcomed him and shared their sacred lifeways, leading to a profound transformation in his life. The impact of these Indigenous tribes on his life, he describes, is truly priceless.

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